Clarmain Dental in Burlington is here to help you create a customized solution to maximize your dental benefits before retirement.
Dental care is a life-long process
Sound teeth and gums are an integral part of a healthy body. Care for your oral health as you do for your overall health through regular check-ups, daily maintenance, and by following your dentist's instructions.
How to maintain your oral health:
- Brush and floss daily
- Drink fluoridated water or use fluoride rinses and toothpastes daily
- Have routine checkups
- Choose healthy snacks and well-balanced meals
What are natural oral health changes for older adults?
- Lips may become dry and the corners of the mouth may crack
- Gums might change colour from pink to red or white
- Gums may recede, exposing the roots of your teeth
- Taste can be less acute and you may want more seasoning
- Teeth might be discoloured—smoking, and drinking tea and coffee over the years will stain them
- Teeth could show signs of wear too, especially from grinding, which some do when asleep
- Dry mouth is common in older adults