Clarmain Dental in Burlington offers a variety of dental appliances to fit your oral health needs.
Mouth guards
The dentists at Clarmain Dental can design a custom fitted mouth guard for you.
Your individually fitted mouth guard is comfortable to wear and helps prevent sports injuries. Mouth guards can tear or wear out, so be sure to replace it after each sporting season.
A short appointment to take an impression of the teeth can be booked at your convenience.
Anti-snoring Device
Snoring is medically termed as a sleep-related breathing disorder. A dental appliance worn in your mouth can offer a simple treatment option for snoring and obstructive sleep apnea.
A complete assessment by a physician or sleep disorder specialist is required, and this may involve an overnight polysomnogram to diagnose your sleep disorder.

Bruxing (Night) Guard
The main function of a night guard is to prevent bruxism. Bruxism is the technical term for clenching and grinding. It is an unconscious habit that usually happens when we are sleeping. Most people do not even realize they are doing it. It can happen while you are under stress, in deep concentration or when you are angry.
Bruxing can exert as much as 600 pounds per square inch, while sleeping – ten times the force registered during normal chewing. Habitual grinding or chewing your upper and lower teeth together can cause wear and tear to your teeth, chipping and even complete breakage of the teeth, joint tenderness, popping, clicking and headaches.