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Bridges, Crowns & Dentures in Burlington

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At Clarmain Dental, we offer dental bridges, crowns and dentures to help restore your teeth back to your desired smile.

Dentures, Crowns & Bridges, Burlington Dentist

Dental Bridges in Burlington

What is a dental bridge?

A dental bridge is for patients with a missing tooth or missing teeth. It functions to fill the gap left by the missing teeth and maintain the structure of the smile.

A bridge can help prevent the natural teeth from shifting or rotating into the space that's created by missing teeth, and becoming misaligned.

How does the dental bridge stay attached in the mouth?

Much like you might expect, the bridge attaches to the remaining natural teeth on either side literally 'bridging the gap' that is caused by missing teeth.

Because bridges attach to other teeth, their longevity will depend on the health of the supporting teeth.

Dental Crowns in Burlington

What is a dental crown?

A dental crown completely covers a tooth, giving it structure and support. With proper oral hygiene and care, a crown can last for many years. Crowns are recommended if a tooth cannot be repaired with a filling, or another dental procedure, and can be made of porcelain, zirconia or metal alloys.

How does the procedure for dental crowns work?

You will need to visit the dentist twice for a crown. At the first appointment, your dentist will prepare your tooth for its placement and will take an impression of your tooth and the gum area around it, from which the custom crown will be made. Then, they will make a temporary crown to protect the area until the permanent crown is placed.

Dentures in Burlington

Why would I need dentures?

For patients looking for affordable options when it comes to replacing teeth, dentures are often recommended. Dentures can be used to replace one missing tooth, or as many as all of your teeth. There are two types of dentures – Full and Partial.

What are Full Dentures?

Full dentures replace all of the teeth in the top and/or bottom section of your mouth, and are usually made from acrylic or porcelain.

What are Partial Dentures?

Partial dentures can be used to replace one or more missing teeth, and are generally made from a combination of acrylic and metal. 

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